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Innovation Hub Research Guide

Resource guide created by Innovation Fellow 2022 Judy Opdahl.

Census Business Builder (Website)

For small businesses. Use for business plan data and potential market

The Census Business Builder (CBB) is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format. (Source Census)

For overview, instructional flyers, webinars, help and FAQs visit CBB homepage

Image of Census Business Builders interface

You can start with a location and then add variables.

What do you want to learn about your area?

At the top of the interface select your variables

            Example below shows industry and two variables selected.

            Underneath the dashboard you can Select “create report”

            The Legend (bottom right can open and close)

Census Business Builder Interface with a search on breweries in the zip code 92056.

ESRI's Community Analyst / Business Analyst (Subscription resource)

There are a series of steps to complete before accessing the software.

  1. At the sign in screen you must change the "Your ArcGIS organization's URL
  2. Type in csusm-gis-lab
  3. Select the box to remember this URL
  4. Click the blue continue button to be prompted for credentials

User Interface for ESRI showing sign in page

  1. You will be prompted for your single sign on credentials for CSUSM. Click the blue log in button to launch into the software.

ARC GIS interface showing single sign on protocol


Image below shows a zip code with household income. There are many variables that can be added to a map. This is just an example

Interface for Community Analyst

BizMiner (Library Database)

Detailed industry financial and industry market analysis.   9000 industries by sales.  Find reports at the national, state, county, metro and zip code.  Update 6/18:  Now shows Z-scores for credit strength and financial viability.

Data Axle Reference Solutions (Formerly Known as ReferenceUSA)

Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly known as Reference USA) Business Directories  companies, private, public, non profit, education, government etc. 

Segmentation, Targeting

Marketing Plan:  Segmentation, Targeting

Segmentation and Targeting.   You can use the market attributes you started with to go into more depth into your target market.   There are sophisiticated market research analysis tools that use extensive demographic and lifestyle survey data and combine that with maps to visually show relationships that help marketers.

Passport by Euromonitor 
Expert market analysis and statistics on consumer products and services for most countries.

ESRI GIS Community Analyst

Single sign-on now works. 

Passport Euromonitor (Library Database)

From this resource you should be able to identify a consumer product, service, supply for export. 

Notes on use of this database: CSUSM Student USE Only. You must agree to terms and conditions before entering the database.

There are different menus, approaches to access data, analysis, and dashboards. Write down the steps to use to obtain your information!

Passport top menu provides the ability to search an industry, economies, consumers, companies, and Analytics