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Innovation Hub Research Guide

Resource guide created by Innovation Fellow 2022 Judy Opdahl.

Books, eBooks on Business Plans (CSUSM Log-in required)

Image of physical book cover from the series known as The Business Plan Handbook
Image of ebook title Business plans for dummies
Image of audio book title Creating Business Plans
Cover image of ebook  FT Essential Guide to Writing a Business Plan, 3rd Edition
Image of e-book titled  Educating social entrepreneurs: From business plan formulation to implementation
image of ebook  Entrepreneur: Building Your Business from Start to Success
Cover of ebook titled From Academia to Entrepreneur
Cover image of ebook titled  Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education: Frameworks and Tools

Start-up costs (CSUSM Log-in required)

Detailed industry financial and industry market analysis.   9000 industries by sales.  Find reports at the national, state, county, metro, and zip code. **load times are slow as the database calculates data according to selected variables**