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4th Floor - Stacks ; HD62.5 .M37 2017
4th Floor - Stacks ; HD30.29 .K63 2016
4th Floor - Stacks ; HD30.28 .O778 2010
Subject headings are assigned to books/ebooks in the library's catalog.
A "Subject heading" search finds titles on that subject. You can use the filters to sort the results by date, full text online, etc. Here are a few headings of potential interest to get you started
Subject Subheadings - you can add to your subject search after the names of states, regions, and main subjects. For instance: new products -- management
(Adapted from Duke University's Economics Research Guide)
The library subscribes to a wide range of databases that can help you research your project idea. If you need help identifying a database for your need reach out to the librarians for help.
Provides full text access to over 1,000 journals covering all fields of science.
Contains citation Idexes for Science, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities, and Book Citations from 2004to present. Select "Web of Science Core Collection" to conduct cited reference search.
A complete collection of bibliographic references covering life science and biomedical research literature published from more than 4,000 journals internationally.
The premier database of world biomedical literature on clinical medicine and preclinical research. Medline provides a more user-friendly interface, but less updated content.
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