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Managing your Library Reserves

Adding sections to a list

Sections are used to group items in your Reserves List together. When creating a Reserves List from scratch you may have selected to create it from a weekly template, this will automatically create sections for each week. However, you can still edit the existing sections or create new ones to suit the structure of the list.


  1. Starting from your course in Canvas, open the Course navigation menu and select Library Reserves.
  2. Once the list loads, select the Add button then New section:
  3. Add a section title and description (optional)
  4. Start and end dates (optional) show the section to students during these dates. 
  5. Decide on where the section should be created, choosing a position from the Add section menu, e.g. add as the last section in the list.
  6. Click the Add button to close the window:
  7. The new section is created and items can be added to it:

More options for sections

From the section menu, there are more options for working with sections, including:

  • Edit section - rename the section title, description and add or change the start and dates.
  • Copy section - either copy the section within the current list or to another list.
  • Export section - choose a variety of options for exporting a section such as PDF, Word, Excel or a reference manager.
  • Delete section - remove the section from the list (can't be undone).